



  1.           適用活動
    1.                下述第 2 條之海上遊樂場(簡稱「海上遊樂場」或「活動」)由中國香港游泳總會(簡稱「大會」或「泳總」)主辦,為新世界維港泳2023的延伸項目。大會授權新世界發展有限公司(簡稱「新世界」)處理活動報名、名額分配事宜、運行和操作。


  1.                每位填妥並遞交網上報名表格登記參與海上遊樂場的人士(簡稱「報名者」)及每位獲分配海上遊樂場名額的報名者並參與活動的成功登記人士及合資格同行者(如適用)(定義見下文)(統稱「參與者」)將被視為已閱讀、理解及同意適用於海上遊樂場的條款及細則(簡稱「本條款及細則」)。


  1.           海上遊樂場詳情









尖沙咀東海濱* (九龍香格里拉大酒店對出海面)



  1.           報名程序
    1.                截止報名日期為20231029日下午1159分。


  1.                報名者須於網上提交「新世界維港泳2023 - 富通保險呈獻:躍在維港#PowerUp」之網上報名表格(簡稱「報名表格」)進行報名(簡稱「報名」)。


  1.                報名時間以新世界電子紀錄所示收到完整報名表格的記錄時間為準。因任何電腦、網路等技術問題而引致報名者所遞交的資料有任何遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況,大會及/或新世界概不負上任何責任。


  1.                報名者應確保所有在報名時於報名表格內填寫及提交的資料均為真實、正確和完整。若報名的資料有錯誤或遺漏、為未完整填寫的報名表格或資料不齊之報名、以不誠實手法或任何方式入侵及/或以修改電腦程式的方式報名及/或造假者,大會及/或新世界有權視報名為無效並作廢而不作任何通知,並對任何違反行為保留追究權利。


  1.                所有報名資料一經提交不得修改。


  1.                報名者於遞交報名表格後,系統將發出自動回覆電郵,確認新世界已收到其報名表格。完成並提交報名及/或收到系統自動回覆電郵並不確保、代表或保證報名者會成功獲分配參加活動的名額。


  1.                若報名者人數超出活動名額數目,活動名額將會經抽籤形式分配,大會及/或新世界將於2023116(星期一)或之前透過電郵通知個別中籤報名者(簡稱「成功登記人士」)有關當日活動的出席安排(簡稱「出席通知確認電郵」)。如於上述日期後沒有收到大會及/或新世界的出席通知確認電郵,則代表報名者未能成功中籤。


  1.                每名報名者只可報名一次並只獲一次隨機抽籤機會。任何重複或錯誤輸入資料之報名將被視爲無效。


  1.                儘管報名者於報名時曾選擇出席時段的偏好,大會及/或新世界保留根據活動時段的分配情況,將成功登記人士分配到其他場次時段的權利。大會的決定為最終決定,不存在任何爭議或質疑。


  1.            所有報名者可選在報名時填寫緊急聯絡人的姓名和電話作活動當日緊急聯絡之用。


  1.            本活動不設現場報名。


  1.           報名者及參與者資格


  1.                參與者(包括合資格同行者,如適用)的年齡最少須為6歲及身高達1米或以上人士 ,所有年齡及身高以截至20231112日(即活動當日日期)計算。


  1.                報名者須於報名時選擇會否於活動當日帶同符合下述相關資格的人士同行(簡稱「合資格同行者」):
    1.           合資格同行者須符合4.1條所述之基本條件。
    2.           每位年滿18歲或以上的成功登記人士,活動當日可帶同一名年滿6歲之合資格同行者出席獲分配的活動場次。
    3.           每位年滿15歲至17歲的成功登記人士,活動當日可帶同一名年滿15歲或以上之合資格同行者出席獲分配的活動場次。
    4.           每位年滿6歲至14歲的成功登記人士,活動當日必需由一位年滿18歲或以上的成人作為其合資格同行者以陪同及監管,方可進入活動場地出席獲分配的活動場次。14歲或以下之報名者須於報名時填寫該成人合資格同行者的身分證明文件上之全名。


  1.                如於報名時未有選擇會帶同同行者同行,則代表成功登記人士於活動當日不能帶同任何人士同行進入活動場地。


  1.                大會或/及新世界保留權利於活動當日檢查參與者的身份證明文件以核實其姓名和年齡及量度其身高,並有權拒絕任何未有符合上述資格的人士進入活動場地。


  1.           未成年人及兒童之安排


  1.                如報名者年齡為18歲以下(簡稱「未成年人」),報名表格須由報名者的父親或母親或法定監護人填寫及代表未成年人確認已閱讀、理解及同意本條款及細則。父母或法定監護人在選擇讓未成年人參與活動時,應先衡量其年齡、身高、心智、體能、體重各方面是否適合。


  1.                所有6歲至14歲的成功登記人士或合資格同行者(簡稱「兒童」)均需由成人合資格同行者陪同及監管,方可進入活動場地。當成人合資格同行者陪同兒童進入活動場地,即代表該名成人合資格同行者同意代表該名兒童遵守本條款及細則及接受並承擔參與活動的所有風險。成人合資格同行者須就該名兒童之安全以及場內任何性質的行為及/或不作為負責,並須在所有時間全程陪同和直接監管該名兒童及確保其安全。


  1.                所有15歲至17歲的成功登記人士或合資格同行者可在無成人陪同及監管下進入活動場地,惟須對自己之安全負責,並有責任通知其父母或法定監護人將參與活動。如遇突發情況,大會及/或新世界會根據其提供的資料(如有)通知其緊急聯絡人。


  1.                就本條款及細則而言,所有未成年人參與者應被視為已獲得父母或法定監護人的同意。


  1.           海上遊樂場變更或取消
    1.                大會及/或新世界可因應新世界維港泳2023賽事情況或安排、營運需要、活動場地人數限制、特別節目、惡劣天氣、極端情況、參與者或工作人員的安全理由或任何大會及/或新世界認為有需要之情況,而(i)關閉海上遊樂場場地;(ii)更改活動場地開放時間或修改規則;(iii)控制入場人數;或(iv)暫停或取消活動或相關場次,並毋須作出事前通知。惟大會及/或新世界將在合理可行的範圍內,盡力通知受影響的成功登記人士。大會及/或新世界的決定將被視作最終決定,不存在任何爭議或質疑。大會及/或新世界毋須就以上情況向參與者提供任何其他後補活動場次或賠償。


  1.                如遇以下惡劣天氣情況,海上遊樂場將會取消:
    1.           天文台於活動當日(即新世界維港泳2023當日)早上6時仍懸掛一號或以上颱風信號;
    2.           黃色、紅色或黑色暴雨警告信號;或
    3.           任何大會及/或新世界自行決定為突發狀況不適宜進行新世界維港泳2023/或海上遊樂場。


  1.                參與者應密切留意活動當日的天氣情況及大會及/或新世界的最新活動公告。


  1.           入場安排
    1.                成功登記人士之中籤名額不可轉讓予其他人,不可轉換獲分配的活動場次。


  1.                成功登記人士及合資格同行者須於獲分配的所屬場次開始前最少15分鐘到達位於尖沙咀東海傍的活動接待處,並向大會及/或新世界工作人員出示出席通知確認電郵內的活動二維碼以領取活動手帶(簡稱「手帶」)作識別用途。每個二維碼只限一人使用。手帶不得轉讓。參與者於活動期間必須佩戴所發手帶且不得裁剪、塗改或以其他方式修改手帶資料,違者將會被取消參加資格。大會及/或新世界有權拒絕未有佩戴有效活動手帶的參與者進入活動場地。


  1.                領取手帶後,參與者必須準時於指定地點集合進入活動場地,逾時不候並會被視作棄權論。


  1.                所有參與者及合資格同行者須於進入活動場地前填寫同行者表格向大會及/或新世界提供其個人資料,並接受本條款及細則,方可允許進入活動場地出席獲分配的場次。若合資格同行者為兒童,同行者表格須由陪同參與活動的成人填寫。其個人資料採集、使用、儲存、處理及共享將遵循相關的個人資訊收集聲明及隱私權政策。


  1.                大會及/或新世界有權拒絕體溫高於攝氏 37.5度之人士(溫度以大會及/或新世界提供之探熱器所顯示為準)或有明顯皮膚病、傳染性疾病、呼吸道感染病病徵及/或傷口之參與者(包括但不限於:頭痛、嘔吐、腹瀉、嚴重咳嗽、皮膚敏感或發炎、流鼻水、打噴嚏、手腳出現水泡或紅疹等症狀)入場。大會及/或新世界不會向因此條款而需離場之參與者提供任何其他後補活動場次或賠償。


  1.                大會及/或新世界不會向參與者提供任何交通安排或泊車位。


  1.           服飾
    1.                參與者的衣著應以舒適輕便為主,必須穿著運動鞋及潔淨襪子(不可穿著拖鞋、涼鞋、露趾鞋、高跟鞋等)。基於衛生考量,大會及/或新世界可能會要求參與者登上個別遊樂設施時脫鞋並穿上襪子參與。大會及/或新世界不會為參與者因參與活動而弄污或遺失衣物負責或作任何賠償。


  1.                參與者不可穿著或展示不適當的服裝,包括不適當地暴露身體,以免妨礙秩序或安全或對其他參與者或工作人員造成滋擾或阻礙。


  1.           個人財物及場内設施
    1.                參與者須自行保管個人財物和物品。參與者可選擇於大會及/或新世界提供的儲物櫃存放個人財物和物品,惟大會及/或新世界並不建議參與者攜帶貴重物品,亦不得攜帶體積超過30厘米 x 28厘米 x 25厘米之物品或容器參與活動。如參與者之個人財物和物品在參與活動的過程中有任何損壞或損失(不論如何產生),大會及/或新世界毋須負責。


  1.                如活動場地内的設施及/或物品因參與者之任何行為引致損壞或損失,參與者需就受損設施及/或物品作出賠償,賠償金額由大會及/或新世界全權決定。


  1.       攝影、錄影及錄音
    1.            任何人士未經大會及/或新世界書面同意,不得進行任何商業用途的拍攝、錄像及/或直播。


  1.            參與者確認及同意,大會及/或新世界有權:
    1.           在參與者於活動場地內或其邊緣區域等候或參加活動期間拍攝其照片、錄影及/或錄音;及
    2.           將此等包含參與者影像及/或聲音的照片、錄影及/或錄音複製及用於任何目的,包括但不限於用於營銷和推廣大會、新世界、新世界維港泳2023/或新世界的關聯公司及/或營銷合作夥伴(包括但不限於富通保險有限公司)的未來任何活動、商品及/或服務,



  1.       禁止事項
    1.            參與者須遵守以下禁止事項:
      1.           不得在明知有任何皮膚病、傳染性疾病、呼吸道感染病病徵及/或傷口的情況下進入活動場地;
      2.           不得攜帶動物或寵物進場,被認可為服務用途之動物除外(例如:導盲犬);
      3.           不得插隊、霸佔位置或在排隊期間因任何原因離開再折返;
      4.           不得使用不雅語言;
      5.           不得做出任何大會及/或新世界視為不雅、冒犯、令人不安或不當的行為;
      6.            不得阻礙或影響大會及/或新世界工作人員履行職務或執行本條款及細則;
      7.           不得隨地吐痰或作出任何有欠衛生的行為;
      8.           不得亂抛垃圾;
      9.             不得於活動場地吸煙或持有已燃點的香煙、雪茄、煙斗或電子煙;
      10.             不得攜帶任何尖銳物件進入充氣遊戲設施;
      11.           不得進行任何球類活動、運動或使用任何有輪子的裝置或鞋;
      12.             不得舉行可能影響場地運作的行動、示威、公開演講、宣傳或宣佈任何政治信息、及其他未獲授權的公眾集結或聚會;
      13.         不得使用可能滋擾參與者或影響活動場地運作的收音機、擴音器、哨子、音像或影像播放器材、樂器或其他裝置;
      14.           不得使用遙控式飛行裝置;
      15.           不得叫賣、提供或出售任何物件或服務;
      16.           不得張貼任何單張、橫額、標語牌或告示;
      17.           不得派發任何書籍、小冊子、印刷品或任何商品樣本;及
      18.            不得在非獲分配的活動場次時進入或逗留於活動場地。


  1.            參與者嚴禁攜帶以下物品:
    1.           食品、含酒精飲品或其他飲料(清水除外);
    2.           危險物品或非法或受管制之物品(包括但不限於香港法律第295章《危險品條例》列明的危險品等);
    3.           任何種類的武器或任何疑似武器的物件(包括但不限於玩具槍或玩具劍等);
    4.           可能構成冒犯、非法、令人不安、有害、對其他參與者及/或工作人員構成滋擾或任何可能影響場地運作、秩序、安全或自然環境的物品;
    5.           玻璃容器;
    6.            發出異味之物品;
    7.           三腳架、摺疊椅或凳子;
    8.           手推車、購物車或附有車輪的儲物箱、容器、行李、鞋或任何物品;
    9.             體積超過30厘米 x 28厘米 x 25厘米之物品;或
    10.             任何大會及/或新世界認為有害、可引起混亂、令人反感或妨礙活動的物品。


  1.            任何參與者如被發現未能遵守上述條款,大會/新世界有權取消其出席活動資格,並要求該參與者及(如有)合資格同行者馬上離場。


  1.       一般守則
    1.            參與者須嚴格遵守場內工作人員的指示,並保持秩序及場地清潔。所有設施均會定期進行清潔及消毒。


  1.            因應人群管理需要,以及確保每名參與者得到最佳遊樂體驗,活動將採用單向遊玩路線(One-way system)。如參加人數眾多,參與者需耐心等候。大會及/或新世界工作人員將於每節活動完結前10分鐘,透過活動場地廣播通知參與者準備離開。


  1.            參與者需注意,活動可能具危險性並有潛在風險,有機會造成人身傷害或身故。參與者在進入活動場地或參與活動前,須自行評估及衡量活動風險,入場參與活動將被視為已確認同意承擔及接受所有風險。


  1.            大會及/或新世界假設所有參與者之身體狀況均良好及有能力參與活動及/或使用活動場地設施。如參與者懷疑參與活動會誘發身體不適,應先徵詢醫療意見或取得醫療許可。活動場地有可能濕滑或晃動,基於安全理由,場內部分遊樂設施並不適合高血壓,心臟病,頸椎腰椎病、背部疾病、內臟器官疾病、習慣性流鼻血、孕婦、受酒精或藥物影響下及身體不適的人士,請根據自己的身體條件及狀況選擇參加。


  1.            如有參與者因為個人行為或不按照相關條款而引起任何意外或跌進水中,需要自行承擔責任。


  1.            參與者須負責任地使用活動場地内的設施及物品,並須注意自己、其他參與者及/或工作人員的安全。如因參與者之行爲導致其他人士受傷,參與者可能需要負責。


  1.            所有參與者必須時刻遵守本條款及細則以及大會及/或新世界的其他指示及規則。如任何人士作出任何不負責任、刻意、疏忽、罔顧他人、不安全、違法、可能妨礙活動或不遵守本條款及細則場內工作人員的指示及規則的行為,大會/或新世界可基於其絕對酌情權,拒絕該等參與者入場或要求其離場,並且不會提供任何其他後補活動場次或賠償。


  1.            基於安全理由,安保人員保留截查或阻截任何對公共安全和秩序構成威脅的人士的權利。


  1.            活動場地備有救生衣,如遇突發情況,參與者需按工作人員指示使用。


  1.        在法律允許的範圍內,參與者(亦代表未成年人的參與者)同意,就本條款及細則及/或於活動場地內(包括但不限於活動期間)而在過程中、由之而起或與之相關的任何事項,不論因由而引起、招致或致使參與者蒙受任何傷害、損害、損失、責任、成本、費用、收費、索賠或要求,將寬免、免除、放棄、彌償及保障大會及/或新世界、其董事、職員、僱員、分包商、代理人或類似人士等一切任何性質的損失、責任、損害、義務、索賠或要求。


  1.        參與者如有任何意外、人身傷害、身故、財物損壞或損失,大會及/或新世界概不負責。無論如何,所有參與者在法律可行的範圍內現明確豁免對大會及/或新世界就任何不論是由於或有關參與者因參與活動所導致的意外、人身傷害、身故或財物之損壞或損失進行申索,並承諾放棄因而針對大會及/或新世界提出的任何種類或性質的索賠、訴訟、程序或類似行為。為免生疑問,本條款不會限制或排除大會及/或新世界因疏忽而導致參與者身故或人身傷害所應負之任何法律責任。


  1.        新世界並非活動場地、場內的裝置、設施及物品的提供者,且不負責亦不承擔與活動場地、場內的裝置、設施及物品(包括但不限於活動的遊戲內容)相關的任何義務和責任。如有任何爭議,參與者應直接聯繫大會。


  1.       一般條款及細則
    1.            大會及/或新世界有權隨時修改本條款及細則,而毋須事先通知。


  1.            大會及/或新世界擁有解釋本條款及細則的唯一和絕對酌情權。如有任何爭議,以大會及/或新世界作出的最終、不可推翻及具約束力的決定為準。


  1.            如對活動有任何疑問,請電郵至 nwharbourrace2023@nwd.com.hk


  1.            本條款及細則的中文版本僅供參考,若英文版本與中文版本的規定不一致,以英文版本為準。


  1.            除報名者或參與者及大會及/或新世界以外,並無其他人士有權按香港法例第 623 章《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行本條款及細則的任何條文,或享有本條款及細則的任何條文下的利益。


  1.            本條款及細則受中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(「香港」)法律管轄。 所有與本條款及細則有關的爭議均應提交具有非專屬管轄權的香港法院。




 New World Harbour Race 2023

FTLife Presents: #PowerUp on the Harbour


  1.           Applicable Event
    1.                The Playpark described in Clause 2 below (the “Playpark" or “Event”) is organised by the Hong Kong China Swimming Association (the “Organiser" or “HKGSA”) and is an extended event of the New World Harbour Race 2023. The Organiser has authorised New World Development Company Limited (“NWD”) to handle registrations, quota allocations, operations and management of the Playpark.


  1.                Each person who has completed and submitted the online registration form to participate in the Playpark (the “Registrant”) and each Successful Registrant who is allocated admission quota for the Playpark and participates in the Playpark together with the Eligible Companion (as defined below) (if applicable) (collectively referred to as the “Participants”), shall be deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions applicable to the Playpark (these “Terms and Conditions”).


  1.           Details of the Playpark


New World Harbour Race 2023

FTLife Presents: #PowerUp on the Harbour


Sunday, 12th November 2023


9:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (45 minutes for each session)


Tsim Sha Tsui East Promenade* (Waters off the Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong)

*The Playpark will take place on two large vessels


  1.           Registration Procedure
    1.                Registration deadline at 11:59 p.m on 29th October 2023.


  1.                Registrant must register by submitting the online registration form (the “Registration Form”) for the “New World Harbour Race 2023 – FTLife Presents: #PowerUp on the Harbour” (the “Registration”).


  1.                The Registration time shall be based on the time of receipt of the complete Registration Form as shown on the electronic record of NWD. The Organiser and/or NWD will not be responsible for any delay, loss or errors in, or inability to recognise, the submitted information due to technical issues such as computer or network problems.


  1.                Registrants shall ensure all submitted details provided in the Registration Form are genuine, correct and complete. The Organiser and/or NWD has the right to invalidate and nullify any Registration without prior notice if there is any inaccuracies or omissions in the submitted information, Registration Form is incomplete or with outstanding information, or Registration has been made by way of dishonest attempts or by any other methods intruding or tampering computer programmes and/or there is  any fraudulence, and reserve the right to take legal actions against any violations.


  1.                Information submitted for the Registration cannot be modified upon submission.


  1.                All Registrants will receive an auto-reply email sent by system upon submission of the Registration Form to confirm NWD’s receipt of such online Registration Form. Please note that completing and submitting the Registration Form, and/or receiving the auto-reply email sent by system, does not confirm, represent or guarantee that the Registrant will be successfully allocated quotas for the Event.


  1.                In the event that the number of Registrants exceeds the number of quotas available for the Event, the quotas will be drawn on a random basis. A confirmation email (the “Attendance Confirmation Email”) containing information about the attendance arrangement of the Event will be sent to successful Registrants (the “Successful Registrants”) by the Organiser and/or NWD on or before Monday, 6th November 2023. Registration of the Registrant should be considered as unsuccessful if the Registrant does not receive the Attendance Confirmation Email by the Organiser and/or NWD on or before the aforementioned date.


  1.                Each Registrant can only make one Registration and is only entitled to one entry in the random quota allocation arrangement. Duplicate Registrations or Registration(s) with incorrect information shall be deemed invalid.


  1.                Notwithstanding that Registrants have indicated their preferred timeslot during Registration process, the Organiser and/or NWD reserves the right to designate another session to Successful Registrants based on the availability of the sessions of the Event. The Organiser and/or NWD's decision is final and absolute and shall not be subject to any dispute or challenge.


  1.            Registrants can choose to provide the name and phone number of an emergency contact person during the Registration process for emergency contact purposes on the day of the Event.


  1.            No on-site registration is available for the Event.


  1.           Qualifications of Registrants and Participants


  1.                Participants (including Eligible Companions, if applicable) must be at least 6 years old and above 100 cm tall. Participant’s age and height shall be calculated as of 12th November 2023 (i.e. the date of the Event).


  1.                Registrant shall indicate whether they will bring along an eligible individual who meets the following criteria on the day of the Event (the “Eligible Companion”) during the Registration process:
    1.           Eligible Companion must be able to meet the basic requirements stated in Clause 4.1.
    2.           Each Successful Registrant aged 18 or above can bring along one Eligible Companion aged 6 or above to attend the allocated session of the Event.
    3.           Each Successful Registrant aged 15 to 17 can bring along one Eligible Companion aged 15 or above to attend the allocated session of the Event.
    4.           Each Successful Registrant aged 6 to 14 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult aged 18 or above as his/her Eligible Companion to attend the allocated session of the Event. Registrants aged below 14 must provide the full name of the Eligible Companion shown on his/her identification document during Registration.


  1.                If the Successful Registrant fails to indicate that an Eligible Companion would be brought along, he/she will not be allowed to bring any person to enter into the Event venue on the day of the Event.


  1.                The Organiser and/or NWD reserve(s) the right to inspect identification documents of the Participants on the day of the Event to verify their names and ages and to measure their heights, and the right to refuse admission of any person who fails to satisfy the above qualifications to the Event venue.


  1.           Arrangements for Minors and Children


  1.                If a Registrant is aged below 18 years old (“Minor”), the Registration Form of such Registrant must be completed by the Registrant’s father or mother or legal guardian and confirmed by them on behalf of the Registrant that he/she has read, understood and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. Prior to letting the Minors to participate in the Event, the parents or legal guardians should assess whether the Minors’ age, height, mental capacity, physical fitness and weight are suitable.


  1.                All Successful Registrants or Eligible Companions aged 6 to 14 (“Child” or “Children”) must be accompanied and supervised by adult Eligible Companions in order to enter the venue of the Event. By accompanying a Child to enter the venue of the Event, the adult Eligible Companion is deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions on behalf of such Child and have accepted to and shall bear all risks of participating in the Event. The adult Eligible Companion must be held responsible for the safety and the acts and/or omissions of the Child, and must accompany and directly supervise the Child to ensure the safety of the Child at all times.  


  1.                All Successful Registrants or Eligible Companions aged 15 to 17 are allowed to enter the venue of the Event without the company and supervision of an adult, provided that they shall be fully responsible for their own safety and are responsible for notifying their parents or legal guardians of their participation in the Event. In the event of emergencies, the Organiser and/or NWD will notify the emergency contact of the Successful Registrants or Eligible Companions according to the information provided by the Successful Registrants or Eligible Companions (if any).  


  1.                For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, all Minor Participants are deemed to have received the consent of their parents or legal guardians.


  1.           Change or Cancellation of the Playpark


  1.                The Organiser and/or NWD may (i) close the venue of the Playpark, (ii) change the opening hours of the Event and the rules; (iii) control the number of admission; or (iv) suspend or cancel the Event or any session, having regard to the competition status or arrangements of the 2023 New World Harbour Race, operation needs, the capacity of the Event venue, special events, inclement weather, extreme conditions, safey of Participants or on-site helpers or any other situation under which the Organiser and/or NWD may deem necessary, without prior notice. The Organiser and/or NWD shall, to the extent reasonably practicable, endeavor to notify affected Successful Registrants. The Organiser and/or NWD’s decision shall be final and absolute and shall not be subject to any dispute or challenge. The Organiser and/or NWD shall not be required to provide substitute sessions of the Event or compensation for any of the above situations.


  1.                The Playpark will be cancelled in the following inclement weather circumstances:
    1.           Typhoon Signal No. 1 or above is hoisted at 6:00 a.m. on the day of the Event (i.e. the Race Day of New World Harbour Race 2023); or
    2.           Amber/Red/Black Rainstorm Signal; or
    3.           or any other situation as the Organiser and/or NWD may deem necessary at their sole discretion to cancel New World Harbour Race 2023 and/or the Playpark.


  1.                Participants are advised to pay close attention to the weather conditions on the day of the Event and the latest announcements made by the Organiser and/or NWD in relation to the Event.


  1.           Admission Arrangement
    1.                Admission quotas allocated to Successful Registrants are non-transferable and no change of the allocated Event session is permitted.


  1.                Successful Registrants and Eligible Companions shall arrive at the reception counter of the Event located at Tsim Sha Tsui East Promenade at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement time of the relevant allotted sessions, and present to on-site helpers the QR code for the Event provided in the Attendance Confirmation Email to collect the Event wristband (the “Wristband”) for identification purposes. Each QR code is valid for one Participant only. The Wristband is non-transferable. Participants must wear the Wristband provided during the Event and must not alter, trim, or modify the information on the Wristband in any way, and any Participant in breach will be disqualified from participation. The Organiser and/or NWD reserve(s) the right to refuse admission of any person without wearing a valid Wristband into the Event venue.


  1.                After receiving the Wristband, Participants must arrive at the designated assembly location and enter the Event venue on time. Latecomers will not be entertained and will be considered having renounced their right to partipate in the Event.


  1.                Participants and Eligible Companion must complete the companion form and provide their personal information to the Organiser and/or NWD and agree to these Terms and Conditions before entering the Event venue and attending the allocated sessions. If the Eligible Companion is a Child, the companion form must be filled out by the accompanying adult attending the Event. The collection, usage, storage, processing and sharing of their personal information will adhere to the relevant personal data collection statement and privacy policy statement.


  1.                The Organiser and/or NWD reserve(s) the right to deny entry of individuals with a body temperature exceeding 37.5 degrees Celsius (according to the body temperature displayed on the thermal scanner provided by the Organiser and/or NWD), or individuals showing obvious symptoms of skin diseases, communicable diseases, respiratory tract infections and/or wounds (including but not limited to headache, vomiting, diarrhoea, severe coughing, skin allergy or inflammation, runny nose, sneezing, blisters or rashes on the hands and feet). The Organiser and/or NWD will not provide any substitute sessions of the Event or compensation to individuals who are required to leave the Event due to these causes.


  1.                The Organiser and/or NWD will not offer any transportation arrangements and parking spaces to the Participants.


  1.           Attire
    1.                Comfortable and lightweight clothing is recommended. Participants must wear sports shoes and clean socks (slippers, sandals, open-toed shoes, high heels, etc., are not allowed). Participants may be required to remove their shoes and wear socks in order to participate in certain activities in the Event. The Organiser and/or NWD will not be held responsible for or provide any compensation to Participants for any staining or loss of clothing resulting from their participation in the Event.


  1.                Participants shall not wear or display inappropriate clothing, including inappropriately revealing clothing, to avoid obstructing orders or safety, or cause nuisances or obstruction to other Participants or on-site helpers.


  1.           Property and Facilities
    1.                Participants are required to take care of their personal belongings on their own. They may choose to store their personal belongings in the lockers provided by the Organiser and/or NWD. However, Participants are advised not to bring along valuable items, and they are not allowed to carry items or containers exceeding the dimensions of 30cm x 28cm x 25cm during their participation in the Event. The Organiser and/or NWD are not responsible for any damage or loss of Participants' personal belongings that may occur during the Event, regardless of the cause.


  1.                If any facilities and/or properties at the Event venue are damaged or lost due to any action of Participant(s), the Participant(s) shall be liable to make compensation in respect of the damaged facilities and/or properties in such sum to be determined by the Organiser and/or NWD in their sole and absolute discretion.


  1.       Photos, Video and Audio Recording
    1.            No photography, video recording and/or live-streaming for commercial purpose is allowed without the written consent of the Organiser and/or NWD.


  1.            Participants confirm and agree that the Organiser and/or NWD have/has the right to:
    1.           take photographs, video recordings and/or audio recordings of the Participants when the Participants are waiting at the Event venue or its  peripheral areas or participating in the Event; and
    2.           copy and use these photographs, video recordings and/or audio recordings that contain the Participants’ image and/or voice for any purposes, including but not limited to the marketing and promotion of the Organiser, NWD, New World Harbour Race 2023 and/or associated companies and/or marketing partners of NWD (including but not limited to FTLife Insurance Company Limited) for any Event, merchandise and/or services in the future,

without payment or compensation to any person. For the avoidance of doubt, the Organiser and/or NWD have/has the sole and absolute ownership of the above materials (including but not limited to intellectual property rights).  


  1.       Prohibition
    1.            The participants must adhere to the following prohibitions:
      1.           Individuals with known skin diseases, communicable diseases, and/or wounds are prohibited from entering the Event venue;
      2.           Participants are not allowed to bring animals or pets into the Event venue, except for animals that are approved for service purposes (e.g. guide dogs);
      3.           No cutting in line, holding spaces or leaving and returning during queuing for any reason;
      4.           Use of indecent language is strictly prohibited;
      5.           Engagement in any behavior deemed indecent, offensive, disturbing or improper by the Organiser and/or NWD is strictly prohibited;
      6.            Do not hinder or affect the Organiser and/or NWD on-site helpers from performing their duties or executing these Terms and Conditions;
      7.           Spitting or engaging in of any unsanitary behaviour is not allowed;
      8.           Littering is strictly prohibited;
      9.             Smoking or possessing of lit cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or electronic cigarettes is strictly prohibited at the Event venue;
      10.             Carrying of any sharp objects into inflatable play facilities is strictly prohibited;
      11.           Engagement in ball games, sports or using any wheeled devices or shoes is strictly prohibited;
      12.             Conducting of activities, demonstrations, public speeches, promotion or dissemination of any political information, and other unauthorised public gatherings or assemblies that may affect the operation of the venue is strictly prohibited;
      13.         Use of radios, amplifiers, whistles, audio or visual playback devices, or instruments that may disturb Participants or affect the operation of the Carnvial venue is strictly prohibited;
      14.           Use of remote-controlled flying devices at the venue is strictly prohibited;
      15.           Selling, providing or offering of any items or services is strictly prohibited;
      16.           Posting of any flyers, banners, signs or notices is strictly prohibited;
      17.           Distribution of any books, booklets or printed materials or any product samples is strictly prohibited; and
      18.            Entering into or remaining in of the Event venue during sessions other than the allotted session is not allowed.


  1.            The following items are strictly forbidden
    1.           Food, alcoholic or other beverages (except water)
    2.           Any dangerous goods, or illegal or restricted items (include but not limit to the dangerous goods specified in the Cap.295 Dangerous Goods Ordinance of the law of Hong Kong);
    3.           Any type of weapon or any object which resembnles weapon (including but not limited to toy guns or toy swords etc.);
    4.           Any items which may be deemed offensive, illegal, disturbing or harmful, or any items which may cause nuisances to other Participants and/or on-site helpers, or affect the operation, order or safety of the Event venue or the natural environment;
    5.           Glass containers;
    6.            Any item which emits an odour of any kind;
    7.           Tripods, folding chairs and stools;
    8.           Trolleys, shopping carts or storage boxes, containers, luggage, shoes and other items with wheel;
    9.             Any item with dimensions exceeding 30cm x 28cm x 25cm; or
    10.             Any item that the Organiser and/or NWD believe(s) will be harmful, or may cause chaos, repugnant, or may interfere with the operation of the Event.


  1.            In the event of any Participant failing to comply with the above terms, the Organiser and/or NWD have/has the right to revoke his/her eligibility to participate in the Event and to request such Participant and (if any) his/her Eligible Companion to leave the venue immediately.


  1.       General Guidelines
    1.            Participants must strictly follow the instructions of the on-site helpers and maintain order and cleanliness of the venue. All facilities will be regularly cleaned and disinfected.


  1.            For the purpose of crowd management and to ensure the best possible amusement experience of each Participant, the Event will adopt a one-way system. If there are a large number of Participants, Participants are required to wait patiently. The Organiser and/or NWD’s on-site helpers will notify Participants via venue broadcasts 10 minutes before the end of each carnvial session to prepare for leaving.


  1.            All Participants must be aware that the Event may be dangerous and may carry potential risks, which may result in personal injury or death. Before entering into the Event venue or participating in the Event, Participants must self-assess and evaluate the risks of the Event and are deemed to have agreed to assume and accept all risks by entering into the venue to participate in the Event.


  1.            The Organiser and/NWD assume(s) that all Participants are in good physical condition and capable of participating in the Event and/or using the facilities at the Event venue. If Participants suspect that their participation in the Event may cause discomfort to their body, they are recommended to obtain prior medical consultation or prior medical clearance. The Event venue may be wet and slippery and swaying, for safety purpose, some entertainment facilities in the venue are not suitable for any person with hypertension, heart disease, cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis, back disorder,  disease of the internal organs, recurrent epistaxis, and/or anyone who is pregnant, under the influence of alcohol or drugs or feels unwell, and such person are recommended to take consideration of their physical conditions and status in deciding whether to participate in the Event.


  1.            Participants shall be responsible for any accident or falling into the water due to their personal behaviour or failure to comply with the relevant terms.


  1.            All Participants must use the facilities and items in the Event venue responsibly, and pay close attention to the safety of themselves, other Participants and/or on-site helpers. If a Participant's action causes injury to others, that Participant may be held responsible.


  1.            All Participants must at all times strictly comply with these Terms and Conditions, as well as other instructions and rules given by the Organiser and/or NWD. The Organiser and/or NWD have/has the absolute discretion to deny entry or to request the exit of Participants who has done irresponsible, deliberate, negligent, reckless, unsafe, illegal or obstructive acts or do not comply with these Terms and Conditions, without providing another substitute session of the Event to the said Participants or compensation.


  1.            For safety reasons, security staff reserves the right to intercept or interdict persons who constitute a threat to public safety and good order.


  1.            The Carnvial venue is equipped with life jackets. In case of emergency, Participants are required to follow the instructions of on-site helpers for life jackets usage.


  1.        To the extent permitted by law, Participants (and for and on behalf of the Minors) agree to waive, release, indemnify, relinquish and hold harmless the Organiser and/or NWD, the Organiser and/or NWD’s directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents, or similar persons from any loss, liability, damage, obligation, claim or demand of whatever nature for any Participants’ injury, damage, loss, liability, cost, expense, fee, claim, or demand howsoever caused, incurred or sustained, during the course of, in connection with or as a result of any matter related to these Terms and Conditions and/or at the Event venue (including but not limited to during the time of the Event).


  1.        The Organiser and/or NWD are/is not responsible for any accidents, personal injuries, death, loss or damage of properties howsoever caused to the Participants. In any event, all Participants hereby expressly waive any claims, litigations, proceedings or similar procedures against the Organiser and/or NWD for any personal injury, death, or loss or damage to property irrespective of whether arising from or in connection with the Participants' participation in the Event to the extent permissible under the law. For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms shall not limit or exclude the Organiser and/or NWD's liability for any legal responsibility arising from negligence resulting in the Participants' death or personal injury.


  1.        NWD is not the provider of the Event venue and the installations, facilities and items at the venue, and shall not assume or be held responsible for any obligations or liabilities in connection with the Event venue and the installations, facilities and items at the venue (including but not limited to the game content of the Event). In the event of any disputes, Participants should contact the Organiser directly.


  1.       General Terms and Conditions
    1.            The Organiser and/or NWD reserve(s) the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.


  1.            All interpretations of these Terms and Conditions shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the Organiser and/or NWD. In the event of any disputes, the Organiser and/or NWD’s decision shall be final, irrevocable and binding.


  1.            If you have any questions about the Event, please email to nwharbourrace2023@nwd.com.hk.


  1.            The Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions is for reference only. The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail if there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions.


  1.            Save for the Registrants or Participants and the Organiser and/or NWD, no person shall have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623) to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions or to enjoy the benefits as set out in any term of these Terms and Conditions.


  1.            These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“HKSAR”). All disputes associated to these Terms and Conditions shall be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of HKSAR.


Issued by the Organiser on 18th October 2023.